

What We Do

We have a dozen Mazak machining centers including lathes, mills, and a 4-axis rotary machining center.  Many of these machines are equipped with touch sensor probes, guaranteeing accuracy within .0002”.  We also utilize several CAD/CAM software packages, enabling us to machine complex 3D contours and features directly from your drawing files. We can also reverse engineer a part if you have a sample part without a print.

Our newest machining center, the Mazak VTC-300C, is our largest to date.  This state of the art 3-axis mill features a large machining envelope of 66” x 30” x 30”, allowing for the manufacture of parts up to 66” x 60”.  Long work pieces of nearly any length can also be machined in multiple operations, provided they are narrower than 20” in width.  This machines also features high pressure through spindle coolant and a touch sensor probe. 

Our Mazak lathes are capable of turning rounds up to 13” in diameter with lengths of up to 18” in a single chucking.  Our lathes are also equipped with bar feeders to automate your large quantity runs of parts up to 3” in diameter.

We also fabricate and assemble in house, furnishing our customers with complete and ready to ship products.

“Their versatility and flexibility has given me the confidence to work with them on a wide variety of projects”

- David A Werner II, Fabri-Tech Inc.
